Join us at Manuka as our Big Welsh Quiz tour heads to Glasgow!
This will be a fun, informal event and a great chance to meet and socialise with other students - all whilst having the chance to win £100 for 1st place and £50 for 2nd!
The quiz has a variety of rounds (it's not all about Wales!) and we welcome everyone to join in (friends & housemates welcome)
PLUS if you register online or sign up on the door, you'll get a voucher for a free drink on the night!
The highest scoring of the winning teams will also have the chance to compete in the Big Welsh Quiz final, where the prize is £250 each for them and their Welsh Society
This event is organised together with Glasgow University Welsh Society
Ymuna gyda ni yn Manuka wrth i'n taith 'Cwis Mawr Cymru' ymweld â Glasgow!
Bydd hon yn noson hamddenol ac anffurfiol, ac yn gyfle i gymdeithasu gyda myfyrwyr Cymraeg eraill - oll tra'n cael y cyfle i'r tim buddugol ennill gwobr o £100 a'r ail dim ennill £50!
Ar ben hyn, os wyt ti'n cofrestru ar-lein i'r digwyddiad neu'n troi fyny ac arwyddo fyny ar y noson, mi gei di docyn i gael diod am ddim yn y bar!
Bydd y timau buddugol o bob rownd o'r daith hefyd yn cael y cyfle i gystadlu yn y ffeinal gyda chyfle i ennill £250 i'r tim a £250 i'w cymdeithas
Cynhelir y cwis ar y cyd gyda Cymdeithas Cymraeg Prifysgol Glasgow
You can register below; or contact us if you have any queries.
Register for eventGet in touch