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Academi Sgiliau / The Skills Academy

Carmarthenshire / Sir Gâr, Ceredigion, Gwynedd, Anglesey / Môn

Looking for work in the science, digitial, or creative industries?  Need more experience in order to apply for a job? The Skills Academy is here for you! The M-SParc Skills Academy is offering 18 placements, across 4 counties, starting as soon as possible for a period of up to 6 months. Successful applicants will be employed by M-SParc, and placed in a businesses within the M-SParc's ecosystem.  At the end of the period, each Academy member will have a wealth of experience which will allow them to apply for their dream job, or even to be hired by the company they're placed with!The academy pays £25,000  per annum, pro-rata.

Roles include, but are not limited to:

  • Social media, media content development and digital marketing
  • Business Development
  • Data Analyst
  • Graduate Architectural Technologist
  • Developer
  • Junior designer / Webdesigner
  • Web, API and Unity Dev
  • 3D Modeler

You do not necesserily need to have qualifications for the roles, you just need to have the skills, and demonstrate your passion and drive!  We've made the process as easy as possible; simply complete the form by clicking apply now by the 31st of May.  Good luck!

Chwilio am waith yn y diwydiannau gwyddoniaeth, digidol neu greadigol? Angen mwy o brofiad er mwyn gwneud cais am swydd? Mae'r Academi Sgiliau yma i chi! Mae Academi Sgiliau M-SParc yn cynnig 18 o leoliadau, ar draws 4 sir, gan ddechrau cyn gynted â phosibl am gyfnod o hyd at 6 mis. Bydd ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus yn cael eu cyflogi gan M-SParc, a'u gosod mewn busnes o fewn ecosystem M-SParc. Ar ddiwedd y cyfnod, bydd gan bob aelod o'r Academi gyfoeth o brofiad a fydd yn caniatáu iddynt ymgeisio am eu swydd ddelfrydol, neu hyd yn oed gael eu cyflogi gan y cwmni y maent wedi'i leoli ynddo! Mae'r academi yn talu £25,000 y flwyddyn, pro-rata. Rydym yn chwilio am bobl sydd â diddordeb yn un neu fwy o’r sectorau canlynol (ond os nad yw’r maes y mae gennych ddiddordeb ynddo wedi’i restru yma, rhowch wybod i ni yn eich ateb):

Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym y rolau canlynol ar gael:

  • Cyfryngau cymdeithasol, datblygu cynnwys cyfryngau a marchnata digidol
  • Datblygiad busnes
  • Dadansoddwr Data
  • Technolegydd Pensaernïol Graddedig
  • Datblygwr
  • Dylunydd gwe
  • Datblygwr Gwe, API ac Unity
  • Modelwr 3D

Nid oes angen i chi feddu ar gymwysterau ar gyfer y rolau o reidrwydd, dim ond y sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnoch, a dangoswch eich angerdd a'ch egni! Rydym wedi gwneud y broses mor hawdd â phosibl; cwblhewch y ffurflen trwy clicio 'apply now' erbyn Mai 31. Pob lwc!

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Welsh essential
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