Find Your Future in Wales - Summer Careers Events

Gwenno Roberts

Do you employ graduates in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Gwynedd or Anglesey?

If so, we have the perfect opportunity for you, and better still, it’s completely free!

Over June and July, we'll be hosting graduate careers events in Carmarthen, Aberystwyth, Bangor and Anglesey, where we’ll be connecting employers like you with local students and graduates.

This will be a unique opportunity for you to connect with those hard to reach students from the area who are usually away during term time - often studying in top UK universities.

Each employer who signs up will have their own stand with a table/chairs, access to free food and drinks throughout the event and, most importantly, the chance to exhibit and show off the great career opportunities that they have to offer.

Help us to keep great talent in these areas by coming along to an event near you.

Follow the links below to find out more and register for your free place:

Carmarthen event- 19.06.2024

Aberystwyth event- 26.06.2024

Bangor event- 02.07.2024

Anglesey (M-SParc) event - TBC

You are welcome to attend as many of the events as are relevant to you

If you have any questions please get in touch with

Do you employ graduates in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Gwynedd or Anglesey?

If so, we have the perfect opportunity for you, and better still, it’s completely free!

Over June and July, we'll be hosting graduate careers events in Carmarthen, Aberystwyth, Bangor and Anglesey, where we’ll be connecting employers like you with local students and graduates.

This will be a unique opportunity for you to connect with those hard to reach students from the area who are usually away during term time - often studying in top UK universities.

Each employer who signs up will have their own stand with a table/chairs, access to free food and drinks throughout the event and, most importantly, the chance to exhibit and show off the great career opportunities that they have to offer.

Help us to keep great talent in these areas by coming along to an event near you.

Follow the links below to find out more and register for your free place:

Carmarthen event- 19.06.2024

Aberystwyth event- 26.06.2024

Bangor event- 02.07.2024

Anglesey (M-SParc) event - TBC

You are welcome to attend as many of the events as are relevant to you

If you have any questions please get in touch with

Ydych chi'n cyflogi graddedigion yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, Ceredigion, Gwynedd neu Ynys Môn?

Os felly, mae gennym ni gyfle perffaith i chi - ac yn well byth, mae'n gwbl rhad ac am ddim!

Dros Mehefin a Gorffennaf, byddwn yn cynnal cyfres o ddigwyddiadau gyrfa i raddedigion yng Nghaerfyrddin, Aberystwyth, Bangor ac Ynys Môn, a byddwn yn cysylltu cyflogwyr fel chi gyda myfyrwyr a graddedigion dawnus lleol.

Bydd hwn yn gyfle unigryw i chi gysylltu â myfyrwyr anodd eu cyrraedd o'r ardal, sydd fel arfer i ffwrdd yn ystod y tymor -yn aml yn astudio ym mhrifysgolion gorau'r DU.

Wrth gofrestru fel cyflogwr, byddwch yn derbyn stondin yn y digwyddiad gyda bwrdd/cadeiriau, bwyd a diod am ddim drwy gydol y digwyddiadac, yn bwysicaf oll, y cyfle i arddangos a hyrwyddo y cyfleoedd gyrfa gwych sydd gennych i'w cynnig.

Helpwch ni i gadw talent gwych yn yr ardaloedd hyn drwy ddod i ddigwyddiad yn eich ardal chi.

Dilynwch y dolenni isod i ddarganfod mwy a chofrestru ar gyfer eich lle am ddim:

Caerfyrddin - 19.06.2024

Aberystwyth - 26.06.2024

Bangor - 02.07.2024

Môn (M-SParc) - TBC