Llwyddo'n Lleol 2050

Llwyddo'n Lleol

The new Llwyddo’n Lleol group have started, and the 7 enthusiastic young people are already busy developing their business ideas here in Gwynedd and Anglesey. Llwyddo’n Lleol is funded by the Welsh Government through the Arfor Innovative Fund. The project provides an amazing opportunity for young people aged 18-30 from Gwynedd and Anglesey to receive £1000, as well as a 10 week scheme to assist in developing their idea. Their business ideas range from the digital world, food and drink, exercise and creating renewable products.

Who are the new Llwyddo’n Lleol group?

Cynan Glyn, Caernarfon – Having graduated as a primary school teacher from Bangor University, Cynan is now looking to teach people about great tasting coffee by opening a coffee shop in Caernarfon. @coffiywerin

Alaw Williams, Pwllheli – By transforming an old horse trailer into a Welsh gin bar, Alaw will be offering her service to parties, weddings, and other celebrations. @jinsan

Mirain Rhisiart, Blaenau Ffestiniog – Mirain has created a new ethical brand in Blaenau Ffestiniog called INDI. After graduating from York University with a degree in Theatre, Mirain had the idea to undertake an exciting new project during lockdown. INDI sells products that are fun and unique to Wales by only using quality materials that will not harm the environment. Her products include t-shirts, jumpers, bags, and steel straws. @siop.indi

Daniel Lewis, Caernarfon – With his venture Lens Dros y Ffens Dan does drone photography and filming. He will be able to offer his services to a range of clients including estate agents, marketing organisations, camp sites, sports teams, and construction projects. Dan is currently a student at Bangor University completing a degree in Business Management and Marketing. @LensDrosYfFfens

Osian Cai Evans, Penygroes – Osian is looking to create a website to teach music online through the medium of Welsh. The website will include instrument lessons and will take beginners to performers!

Lois Hughes, Pwllheli – Having studied BSL for a few years Lois realised there were no Welsh BSL resources currently available. To change this Lois is working to create the first Welsh language BSL app called ‘Arwyddo’. Lois studied at Bangor University and received a first-class degree in Childhood Studies. She will be returning to Bangor University in September to do a Primary PGCE. She is looking forward to one day having a class of her own that she can teach BSL too with use of her app ‘Arwyddo’. @arwyddo

Nathan Craig, Caernarfon – Nathan offers football lessons to girls and boys aged 4+. He feels that it is important to help keep the children of this area fit and healthy, as well as provide them with fantastic opportunities and a chance to have fun! @nathancraigfootball

Over the last few weeks the 7 have been taking part in weekly challenges, the content is all available on Llwyddo’n Lleol’s Facebook page.

Llwyddo’n Lleol is also continuing to provide support for the Amser i Fentro group. Through the support of Arloesi Gwynedd and Anglesey, this scheme supports some of those who took part in Llwyddo’n Lleol in 2020 to continue developing their ventures. This includes providing these individuals with paid time (1 day a week for 6 months) to continue with their business plans. These ventures are going ahead well, and the group have shown that it is possible to launch a business successfully here in Gwynedd and Anglesey.

Make sure you keep up with the exciting work of these young people.

If you would like any further information about Llwyddo’n Lleol, please contact Jade Owen, Menter Môn jade@mentermon.com

The new Llwyddo’n Lleol group have started, and the 7 enthusiastic young people are already busy developing their business ideas here in Gwynedd and Anglesey. Llwyddo’n Lleol is funded by the Welsh Government through the Arfor Innovative Fund. The project provides an amazing opportunity for young people aged 18-30 from Gwynedd and Anglesey to receive £1000, as well as a 10 week scheme to assist in developing their idea. Their business ideas range from the digital world, food and drink, exercise and creating renewable products.

Who are the new Llwyddo’n Lleol group?

Cynan Glyn, Caernarfon – Having graduated as a primary school teacher from Bangor University, Cynan is now looking to teach people about great tasting coffee by opening a coffee shop in Caernarfon. @coffiywerin

Alaw Williams, Pwllheli – By transforming an old horse trailer into a Welsh gin bar, Alaw will be offering her service to parties, weddings, and other celebrations. @jinsan

Mirain Rhisiart, Blaenau Ffestiniog – Mirain has created a new ethical brand in Blaenau Ffestiniog called INDI. After graduating from York University with a degree in Theatre, Mirain had the idea to undertake an exciting new project during lockdown. INDI sells products that are fun and unique to Wales by only using quality materials that will not harm the environment. Her products include t-shirts, jumpers, bags, and steel straws. @siop.indi

Daniel Lewis, Caernarfon – With his venture Lens Dros y Ffens Dan does drone photography and filming. He will be able to offer his services to a range of clients including estate agents, marketing organisations, camp sites, sports teams, and construction projects. Dan is currently a student at Bangor University completing a degree in Business Management and Marketing. @LensDrosYfFfens

Osian Cai Evans, Penygroes – Osian is looking to create a website to teach music online through the medium of Welsh. The website will include instrument lessons and will take beginners to performers!

Lois Hughes, Pwllheli – Having studied BSL for a few years Lois realised there were no Welsh BSL resources currently available. To change this Lois is working to create the first Welsh language BSL app called ‘Arwyddo’. Lois studied at Bangor University and received a first-class degree in Childhood Studies. She will be returning to Bangor University in September to do a Primary PGCE. She is looking forward to one day having a class of her own that she can teach BSL too with use of her app ‘Arwyddo’. @arwyddo

Nathan Craig, Caernarfon – Nathan offers football lessons to girls and boys aged 4+. He feels that it is important to help keep the children of this area fit and healthy, as well as provide them with fantastic opportunities and a chance to have fun! @nathancraigfootball

Over the last few weeks the 7 have been taking part in weekly challenges, the content is all available on Llwyddo’n Lleol’s Facebook page.

Llwyddo’n Lleol is also continuing to provide support for the Amser i Fentro group. Through the support of Arloesi Gwynedd and Anglesey, this scheme supports some of those who took part in Llwyddo’n Lleol in 2020 to continue developing their ventures. This includes providing these individuals with paid time (1 day a week for 6 months) to continue with their business plans. These ventures are going ahead well, and the group have shown that it is possible to launch a business successfully here in Gwynedd and Anglesey.

Make sure you keep up with the exciting work of these young people.

If you would like any further information about Llwyddo’n Lleol, please contact Jade Owen, Menter Môn jade@mentermon.com

Mae criw newydd Llwyddo’n Lleol wedi cychwyn, ac mae 7 - person ifanc brwdfrydig yn barod yn brysur yn datblygu eu syniadau busnes yma yng Ngwynedd a Môn. Mae Llwyddo’n Lleol yn brosiect a ariannir gan Lywodraeth Cymru drwy Gronfa Arloesol Arfor. Mae’r prosiect yn cynnig cyfle arbennig i bobl 18-30 oed sy’n wreiddiol o Wynedd a Môn, i dderbyn £1000 a gwireddu cynllun 10 wythnos er mwyn datblygu syniad newydd. Mae’r math o syniadau sydd ganddynt yn amrywio, o’r byd digidol, bwyd a diod, ymarfer corff a chynnyrch adnewyddadwy.

Pwy yw criw newydd Llwyddo’n Lleol?

Cynan Glyn, Caernarfon – Wedi graddio fel athro cynradd o Brifysgol Bangor mae Cynan nawr yn edrych i ddysgu pobl beth yw coffi da drwy sefydlu siop goffi yn ardal Caernarfon. @coffiywerin

Alaw Williams, Pwllheli – Yn trawsnewid hen drelar ceffyl mewn i far jin Cymreig. Bydd Alaw yn mynd a’i bar jin allan i bethau megis partïon, priodasau a dathliadau. @jinsan

Mirain Rhisiart, Blaenau Ffestiniog – Mae Mirain yn rhedeg ei busnes INDI, brand newydd ethical o Flaenu Ffestiniog. Ar ôl graddio o Brifysgol Efrog a gradd Theatr, gafodd Mirain y syniad o ymgymryd o brosiect newydd cyffrous yn ystod y cyfnod clo. Mae’r INDI yn gwerthu cynnyrch hwyl unigryw i Gymru ac ond yn defnyddio deunyddiau o ansawdd sydd ddim yn niweidio'r yr amgylchedd. Mae cynnyrch yn cynnwys crysau-t, siwmperi, bagiau a gwellt dur. @siop.indi

Daniel Lewis, Caernarfon – Gyda’i fenter Lens Dros y Fens mae Dan yn gwneud ffotograffi a fideos gan ddefnyddio drone. Fydd yn gallu cynnig ei gwasanaeth i amryw o gleientiad gan gynnwys gwerthwyr tai, sefydliadau masnachol, safleoedd gwersylla, timau chwaraeon, ac prosectiau adeiliadu. Mae Dan yn bresennol yn fyfyriwr ym Mhrifysgol Bangor ac yn cwblhau gradd mewn Rheoli a Marchnata. @LensDrosYfFfens

Osian Cai Evans, Penygroes – Mae Osian eisiau creu gwefan dysgu cerddoriaeth ar-lein drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Bydd y wefan efo gwersi sy’n ffocysu ar offerynnau ac yn mynd a dechreuwyr i berfformwyr!

Lois Hughes, Pwllheli – Wedi astudio iaith BSL ers rhai blynyddoedd sylweddolodd Lois fod ddim adnoddau Cymraeg BSL allan yna ar y funud. Penderfynodd hi fod angen newid hyn ac mae hi wedi bod yn gweithio i sefydlu ap ‘Arwyddo’ BSL drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Mae Lois yn raddedig o Brifysgol Bangor lle derbyniodd hi radd dosbarth cyntaf mewn Astudiaethau Plentyndod. Mae hi nawr yn edrych i fynd yn ôl I Brifysgol Bangor yn fis Medi i wneud ei TAR Cynradd, ac mae hi’n edrych ymlaen gael dysgu dosbarth i ddefnyddio BSL yn y dyfodol drwy ddefnyddio ei ap ‘Arwyddo’. @arwyddo

Nathan Craig, Caernarfon – Mae Nathan yn cynnig gwersi pêl-droed i enethod a bechgyn oedran 4+. Mae’n teimlo ei fod yn bwysig helpu cadw plant yr ardal yn heini, cynnig cyfleoedd iddynt a'i bod nhw’n cael hwyl!  @nathancraigfootball

Mae’r 7 wedi bod yn cymryd rhan mewn heriau wythnosol yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, ac mae’r cynnwys i gyd i’w gael ar dudalen Facebook Llwyddo’n Lleol.

Mae Llwyddo’n Lleol hefyd yn parhau i darparu cefnogaeth i grwp Amser i Fentro. Drwy gefnogaeth Arloesi Gwynedd a Môn, mae’r cynllun hyn yn cefnogi rhai o’r unigolion a chymerodd rhan yn Llwyddo’n Lleol yn 2020 i barhau a datblygu eu mentrau. Mae hyn yn cynnwys darparu a chaniatáu amser cyflogedig i’r unigolion (1 diwrnod yw wythnos am 6 mis) i barhau a’u cynlluniau busnes. Mae’r mentrau hyn yn mynd yn ei flaen yn dda, ac mae’r criw yn dangos ei fod yn bosib lansio busnes llwyddiannus yma yng Ngwynedd a Môn.

Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn cadw fyny gyda gwaith cyffrous y bobl ifanc hyn.

Os hoffech wybod mwy am Llwyddo’n Lleol 2050, cysylltwch ag Jade Owen, Menter Môn jade@mentermon.com