Llwyddo'n Lleol 2050

Llwyddo'n Lleol

‘’There are no opportunities here’’…. ‘’there are no good jobs, I’d be better off moving to London’’… ‘’there’s nothing for young people to do.’’

These are the answers given time and time again when asking the young people of Gwynedd and Anglesey what they think of their local area. To tackle this narrative, Menter Mon’s Llwyddo’n Lleol 2050 project as launched new scheme.

7 local young people have been appointed as Digital Content Creators on behalf of the Llwyddo’n Lleol 2050. The crew will set out to create interesting, original, and unique content to create an honest picture of what life is like for young people in Gwynedd and Anglesey in 2022. The content will highlight the wide range of opportunities available locally as well as also considering the challenges young people face.

Rhodri Prysor, Blaenau Ffestiniog

Having completed his undergraduate degree at Bangor University, Rhodri is now studying a master's degree in Film at Bristol University. He willbe using his skills and experiences to create videos and podcasts to show the opportunities available locally.

Ryan John, Harlech

Ryan is a creative person and enjoys creating animations, social media content and drone footage. He likes to inspire creativity in others and has been doing this through his role as a Support Officer at Ffiwsin Porthmadog. He is looking forward to showing local young people through this role the resources and support that’s available here.

Begw Elain, Penygroes

Begw loves football and is passionate about promoting local football clubs. Over the past 4 years she has been the press officer for Nantlle Vale football club, filming matches and conducting interviews. She'll be using her skills to highlight the sport opportunities that exist in Gwyneddand Anglesey.

Scott Evans, The Valley

Having completed school this year, Scott will start studying at Liverpool John Moores University in September. As part of the scheme he will share his experiences of living in Anglesey as well as his experience of moving away for the first time.

Angharad Griffiths, Holyhead

Angharad enjoys showing people how much North Wales has to offer by creating fun and engaging digital content. She has experience in supporting local businesses to develop their digital and marketing skills and is looking forward to using her skills as part of this role.

Josie Jones, Llangefni

Josie has a degree in Graphic Design from Bangor University and has used her skills to help promote local events such as Gwyl Cefni. Having thought she would have to move away to find a job, she now works freelance and is seeing the benefits of being able to stay in her local area. She is looking forward to sharing her experience with other young people.

Tesni Hughes, Llangefni

Tesni loves creating creative and unique content and has had plenty of experience with organizations such as the Coleg Cenedlaethol Cymraeg, Franwen and by running a page for her own music.

Over the next few months, these seven will be creating content such as podcasts, blogs, reels, video interviews and more! To follow their stories, follow Llwyddo'n Lleol 2050 on their social media.

Do you have a business, job, or project that you’d like us to share on Llwyddo’n Lleol 2050? Please contact jade@mentermon.com or 07538129891.

‘’There are no opportunities here’’…. ‘’there are no good jobs, I’d be better off moving to London’’… ‘’there’s nothing for young people to do.’’

These are the answers given time and time again when asking the young people of Gwynedd and Anglesey what they think of their local area. To tackle this narrative, Menter Mon’s Llwyddo’n Lleol 2050 project as launched new scheme.

7 local young people have been appointed as Digital Content Creators on behalf of the Llwyddo’n Lleol 2050. The crew will set out to create interesting, original, and unique content to create an honest picture of what life is like for young people in Gwynedd and Anglesey in 2022. The content will highlight the wide range of opportunities available locally as well as also considering the challenges young people face.

Rhodri Prysor, Blaenau Ffestiniog

Having completed his undergraduate degree at Bangor University, Rhodri is now studying a master's degree in Film at Bristol University. He willbe using his skills and experiences to create videos and podcasts to show the opportunities available locally.

Ryan John, Harlech

Ryan is a creative person and enjoys creating animations, social media content and drone footage. He likes to inspire creativity in others and has been doing this through his role as a Support Officer at Ffiwsin Porthmadog. He is looking forward to showing local young people through this role the resources and support that’s available here.

Begw Elain, Penygroes

Begw loves football and is passionate about promoting local football clubs. Over the past 4 years she has been the press officer for Nantlle Vale football club, filming matches and conducting interviews. She'll be using her skills to highlight the sport opportunities that exist in Gwyneddand Anglesey.

Scott Evans, The Valley

Having completed school this year, Scott will start studying at Liverpool John Moores University in September. As part of the scheme he will share his experiences of living in Anglesey as well as his experience of moving away for the first time.

Angharad Griffiths, Holyhead

Angharad enjoys showing people how much North Wales has to offer by creating fun and engaging digital content. She has experience in supporting local businesses to develop their digital and marketing skills and is looking forward to using her skills as part of this role.

Josie Jones, Llangefni

Josie has a degree in Graphic Design from Bangor University and has used her skills to help promote local events such as Gwyl Cefni. Having thought she would have to move away to find a job, she now works freelance and is seeing the benefits of being able to stay in her local area. She is looking forward to sharing her experience with other young people.

Tesni Hughes, Llangefni

Tesni loves creating creative and unique content and has had plenty of experience with organizations such as the Coleg Cenedlaethol Cymraeg, Franwen and by running a page for her own music.

Over the next few months, these seven will be creating content such as podcasts, blogs, reels, video interviews and more! To follow their stories, follow Llwyddo'n Lleol 2050 on their social media.

Do you have a business, job, or project that you’d like us to share on Llwyddo’n Lleol 2050? Please contact jade@mentermon.com or 07538129891.

‘‘Does dim cyfleoedd yma i ni’’…. ‘’does 'na ddim swyddi da, gai un gwell yn Llundain’’…. ‘’does dim byd i bobl ifanc gwneud ‘mha.’’

Dyma’r atebion clywan dro ar ôl tro gan bobl ifanc Gwynedd a Môn pan ofynnwyd eu barn am eu hardal leol. Mae prosiect Llwyddo’n Lleol 2050, Menter Môn felly wedi lansio cynllun newydd i herio’r naratif hun.

Mae 7 o bobl ifanc leol wedi ei benodi fel Cynhyrchwyr Cynnwys Digidol ar ran y cynllun. Bydd y criw ym mynd ati i greu cynnwys diddorol, gwreiddiol ac unigryw i greu darlun gonest o sut beth yw bywyd i bobl ifanc Gwynedd a Môn yn 2022. Bydd y cynnwys yn amlygu’r ystod eang o gyfleoedd sydd ar gael yn lleol gan hefyd ystyried yr heriau mae pobl ifanc yn ei wynebu.  

Pwy yw’r criw?

Rhodri Prysor, Blaenau Ffestiniog

Wedi cwblhau ei isradd ym Mhrifysgol Bangor mae Rhodri bellach yn astudio gradd meistr mewn Ffilm ym Mhrifysgol Bristol. Bydd yn defnyddio ei sgiliau a’i brofiadau i greu fideos a podlediadau i dangos y cyfleoedd sydd ar gael yn lleol.

Ryan John, Harlech

Mae Ryan yn berson creadigol ac yn mwynhau creu animeiddiadau, cynnwys cyfryngau cymdeithasol a fideos gan ddefnyddio drone. Mae’n hoffi ysgogi creadigrwydd mewn eraill ac wedi bod yn gwneud hun drwy ei rôl fel Swyddog Cefnogol Ffiws ym Porthmadog. Mae’n edrych ymlaen trwy’r rôl yma i ddangos i bobl ifanc lleol yr adnoddau a chefnogaeth sydd ar gael yma.

Begw Elain, Penygroes

Mae Begw wrth ei bodd efo pêl-droed, ac yn angerddol am hyrwyddo clybiau pêl-droed lleol. Dros y 4 mlynedd diwethaf mae hi wedi bod yn swyddog y wasg ar gyfer clwb pêl-droed Nantlle Vale, yn ffilmio gemau ac yn cynnal cyfweliadau.

Scott Evans, Y Fali

Wedi cwblhau yn yr ysgol flwyddyn hon, bydd Scott yn cychwyn astudio ym Mhrifysgol John Moores Lerpwl mis Medi. Fel rhan o’r cynllun bydd yn rhannu ei brofiadau o fyw ym Môn gan gynnwys ei brofiad o symud ffwrdd am y tro cyntaf.

Angharad Griffiths, Caergybi

Mae Angharad yn mwynhau dangos pobl faint sydd gen i Ogledd Cymru i gynnig drwy greu cynnwys digidol. Mae hi wedi bod yn cefnogi busnesau lleol i ddatblygu eu sgiliau digidol a marchnata hi ac mae hi’n edrych ymlaen defnyddio ei sgiliau fel rhan o’r cynllun.

Josie Jones, Llangefni

Mae gan Josie gradd mewn Dylunio Graffeg o Brifysgol Bangorac wedi defnyddio ei sgiliau i helpu hyrwyddo digwyddiadau lleol fel Gŵyl Cefni. Wedi meddwl byddai rhaid symud ffwrdd i ddod o hyd i swydd mae hi bellach yn gweithio’n llawrydd ac yn gweld y buddion o allu aros yn ei ardal leol. Mae hi’n edrych ymlaen rhannu ei phrofiad hi gyda phobl ifanc eraill.  

Tesni Hughes, Llangefni

Mae Tesni wrth eich bodd yn creu cynnwys creadigol ac unigryw ac wedi cael digon o brofiad gyda sefydliadau fel y Coleg Cenedlaethol Cymraeg, Franwen a trwy redeg tudalen ar gyfer cerddoriaeth hi hun.

Dros y misoedd nesaf bydd y saith yn cynhyrchu cynnwys fel podlediadau, blogiau, reels, cyfweliadau fideos a mwy! I ddilyn straeon y criw dilynwch Llwyddo’n Lleol 2050 ar eu cyfryngau cymdeithasol.

Oes gen ti fusnes, swydd neu brosiect ti’n meddwl byddai’n ddifyr i’w amlygu drwy Llwyddo’n Lleol 2050? Plîs cysyllta â jade@mentermon.comneu 07538129891.