Meet Gwenno

Owain James

  1. Tell us a bit about yourself and your experience.

I’m Gwenno, originally from Abergwyngregyn in North Wales but living in Cardiff since 2008. I moved away for university and studied music, mainly concentrating on performance as a violinist, before briefly returning to Bangor to complete a Masters in Celtic Traditional Music. Prior to joining Darogan I worked as Chief Officer for Tafwyl festival – a role which was hugely varied and rewarding, and which gave me a wealth of experience in events, marketing and fundraising.

  1. What inspired you to join Darogan?

Darogan’s purpose and aspiration to offer quality opportunities to graduates in Wales is something I strongly support and the opportunity to join their movement to counter the ‘brain drain’ was one I didn’t want to let pass.  

Wales is such a wonderful place to live and work, and it deserves to be showcased to graduates for its potential as a home to their future careers. Darogan also stand out as they offer so many networking opportunities for both employers and graduates – there is a real sense of a community being built through their work and platform.

On a personal level, it’s also very exciting to join a company that’s still growing and to be part of the process of establishing a positive workplace culture and hopefully be part of something impactful that will grow for many years to come.

  1. What are your hobbies and interests?

Until recently I was very much into powerlifting but mum duties (I have a wonderful two-year-old daughter) mean that three-hour gym sessions are no longer on the cards. I still like to be active, however, so have taken up running, which involves a lot less sitting around and far fewer snack breaks than powerlifting, so I’m still deciding how I feel about it...  

True crime podcasts are my guilty pleasure. I’ll always try to listen to or play as much music as possible, and I especially love getting to play with our string quartet for people’s weddings because they’re always such happy and joyous occasions!

  1. What are you most looking forward to with your new role with Darogan?

I’m really looking forward to our series of events across England where we will be promoting graduate opportunities, connecting students with employers and introducing people to what the ARFOR region has to offer. It'll be great to have the opportunity to meet and talk to our members face to face and receive their input on what more we can do for them.

I’m also excited about finding and developing opportunities to work alongside organisations with a similar purpose, and to establish Darogan’s place as the go-to for graduates looking to make Wales their home.

  1. Tell us a bit about yourself and your experience.

I’m Gwenno, originally from Abergwyngregyn in North Wales but living in Cardiff since 2008. I moved away for university and studied music, mainly concentrating on performance as a violinist, before briefly returning to Bangor to complete a Masters in Celtic Traditional Music. Prior to joining Darogan I worked as Chief Officer for Tafwyl festival – a role which was hugely varied and rewarding, and which gave me a wealth of experience in events, marketing and fundraising.

  1. What inspired you to join Darogan?

Darogan’s purpose and aspiration to offer quality opportunities to graduates in Wales is something I strongly support and the opportunity to join their movement to counter the ‘brain drain’ was one I didn’t want to let pass.  

Wales is such a wonderful place to live and work, and it deserves to be showcased to graduates for its potential as a home to their future careers. Darogan also stand out as they offer so many networking opportunities for both employers and graduates – there is a real sense of a community being built through their work and platform.

On a personal level, it’s also very exciting to join a company that’s still growing and to be part of the process of establishing a positive workplace culture and hopefully be part of something impactful that will grow for many years to come.

  1. What are your hobbies and interests?

Until recently I was very much into powerlifting but mum duties (I have a wonderful two-year-old daughter) mean that three-hour gym sessions are no longer on the cards. I still like to be active, however, so have taken up running, which involves a lot less sitting around and far fewer snack breaks than powerlifting, so I’m still deciding how I feel about it...  

True crime podcasts are my guilty pleasure. I’ll always try to listen to or play as much music as possible, and I especially love getting to play with our string quartet for people’s weddings because they’re always such happy and joyous occasions!

  1. What are you most looking forward to with your new role with Darogan?

I’m really looking forward to our series of events across England where we will be promoting graduate opportunities, connecting students with employers and introducing people to what the ARFOR region has to offer. It'll be great to have the opportunity to meet and talk to our members face to face and receive their input on what more we can do for them.

I’m also excited about finding and developing opportunities to work alongside organisations with a similar purpose, and to establish Darogan’s place as the go-to for graduates looking to make Wales their home.

  1. Dywedwch ychydig amdanoch chi a'ch profiad.  

Gwenno ydw i, yn wreiddiol o Abergwyngregyn yng Ngogledd Cymru ond yn byw yng Nghaerdydd ers 2008. Symudais i ffwrdd i fynychu’r brifysgol ac astudio cerddoriaeth, gan ganolbwyntio'n bennaf ar berfformio fel feiolinydd, cyn dychwelyd i Fangor am gyfnod byr i gwblhau gradd Meistr mewn Cerddoriaeth Draddodiadol Geltaidd. Cyn ymuno â Darogan bûm yn gweithio fel Prif Swyddog gŵyl Tafwyl - rôl a oedd yn hynod amrywiol, ac a roddodd gyfoeth o brofiad i mi mewn digwyddiadau, marchnata a chodi arian.

  1. Beth wnaeth eich ysbrydoli i ymuno â Darogan?  

Mae pwrpas a dyhead Darogan i gynnig cyfleoedd o safon i raddedigion yng Nghymru yn rhywbeth dwi'n ei gefnogi'n gryf ac roedd y cyfle i ymuno â'u symudiad i wrthsefyll y ‘brain drain' yn un nad oeddwn am ei adael i'w basio.  

Mae Cymru yn lle mor arbennig i fyw a gweithio, ac mae'n haeddu cael ei harddangos i raddedigion am ei photensial fel cartref i'w gyrfaoedd yn y dyfodol. Mae Darogan hefyd yn sefyll allan gan eu bod yn cynnig cymaint o gyfleoedd rhwydweithio i gyflogwyr, graddedigion a myfyrwyr – mae gwir deimlad eu bod yn adeiladu cymuned drwy eu gwaith a’u rhwydweithiau.

Ar lefel bersonol, mae hefyd yn gyffrous iawn ymuno â chwmni sy'n dal i dyfu a bod yn rhan o'r broses o sefydlu diwylliant gweithle cadarnhaol a gobeithio bod yn rhan o rywbeth ystyrlon a fydd yn tyfu am flynyddoedd lawer i ddod.  

  1. Beth yw eich hobïau a'ch diddordebau?  

Tan yn ddiweddar roeddwn i mewn i godi pŵer (powerlifting) yn fawr ond mae dyletswyddau mam (mae gen i ferch fach hyfryd ddwy oed) yn golygu nad yw sesiynau campfa tair awr bellach ar y cardiau. Rwy'n dal i hoffi bod yn actif, fodd bynnag, felly ’dwi rwan wedi dechrau rhedeg, sy'n golygu lot llai o eistedd o gwmpas a llawer llai o ‘snack breaks’ na chodi pŵer, felly dwi'n dal i benderfynu sut dwi'n teimlo am y peth...    

Podlediadau trosedd gwir ydy fy ‘guilty pleasure’. Mi fyddai bob amser yn ceisio gwrando ar neu chwarae cymaint o gerddoriaeth â phosibl, a dwi'n arbennig o hoff o gael chwarae gyda'm pedwarawd llinynnol ar gyfer priodasau oherwydd eu bod bob amser yn achlysuron mor hapus a llawen!

  1. Beth ydych chi'n edrych ymlaen ato fwyaf gyda'ch rôl newydd gyda Darogan?  

Rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at ein cyfres o ddigwyddiadau ledled Lloegr lle byddwn yn hyrwyddo cyfleoedd i raddedigion, yn cysylltu myfyrwyr â chyflogwyr ac yn cyflwyno pobl i'r hyn sydd gan ranbarth ARFOR i'w gynnig. Mi fydd hi'n wych cael treulio amser wyneb i wyneb gyda rhai o'n haelodau a dod i ddysgu am beth arall yr hoffe nhw ei weld gan Darogan yn y dyfodol.

Dwi hefyd yn edrych ymlaen at ddod o hyd i a datblygu cyfleoedd i weithio ochr yn ochr â sefydliadau sydd â phwrpas tebyg, ac i sefydlu lle Darogan fel y dewis amlwg i raddedigion sy'n ceisio ymgartrefu yng Nghymru.