The Local Authorities where the most students leave Wales for study

Dr Owain James

According to HESA, for the 2021/22 academic year, there were five Local Authorities where more than 50% of students left Wales for university.

In rank order they are:

  1. Flintshire - 66%2
  2. Monmouthshire - 57.8%
  3. Denbighshire - 56.3%
  4. Powys - 52.9%
  5. Conwy - 51%

So what do these areas have in common?

Many are on the border with England, and all are towards the east of the country.

Another similarity is that none of these Local Authorities contain a major university nor a built-up area of more than 50,000 people. This might also explain an obvious outlier to this group....

Wrexham County Borough is the only Local Authority on the border which is not included in this list of areas that have more Welsh people leaving Wales for study than staying, although this is only just about the case in Wrexham County Borough's case since their rate of students leaving Wales is 48.6%! Wrexham County Borough is still above the average rate, and certainly suggests that proximity to England is a major factor in the likelihood of students leaving Wales for study. But Wrexham County Borough is likely the exception in terms of these border Local Authorities in not breaking the 50% mark because of its strong draw for local students. The area has its own university, Wrexham Glyndŵr University, and contains one of Wales' cities. As a result, it has a high percentage of learners that stay within the borough for university.

According to HESA, for the 2021/22 academic year, there were five Local Authorities where more than 50% of students left Wales for university.

In rank order they are:

  1. Flintshire - 66%2
  2. Monmouthshire - 57.8%
  3. Denbighshire - 56.3%
  4. Powys - 52.9%
  5. Conwy - 51%

So what do these areas have in common?

Many are on the border with England, and all are towards the east of the country.

Another similarity is that none of these Local Authorities contain a major university nor a built-up area of more than 50,000 people. This might also explain an obvious outlier to this group....

Wrexham County Borough is the only Local Authority on the border which is not included in this list of areas that have more Welsh people leaving Wales for study than staying, although this is only just about the case in Wrexham County Borough's case since their rate of students leaving Wales is 48.6%! Wrexham County Borough is still above the average rate, and certainly suggests that proximity to England is a major factor in the likelihood of students leaving Wales for study. But Wrexham County Borough is likely the exception in terms of these border Local Authorities in not breaking the 50% mark because of its strong draw for local students. The area has its own university, Wrexham Glyndŵr University, and contains one of Wales' cities. As a result, it has a high percentage of learners that stay within the borough for university.

Yn ôl HESA, ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2021/22, roedd pum Awdurdod Lleol lle gadawodd mwy na 50% o fyfyrwyr Gymru i fynd i'r brifysgol.

Yn eu trefn, y rhain yw:

  1. Sir y Fflint - 66%
  2. Sir Fynwy - 57.8%
  3. Sir Ddinbych - 56.3%
  4. Powys - 52.9 %
  5. Conwy - 51%

Felly beth sydd gan yr ardaloedd hyn yn gyffredin?

Mae llawer ar y ffin â Lloegr, a phob un tua dwyrain y wlad.

Tebygrwydd arall yw nad oes yr un o'r Awdurdodau Lleol hyn yn cynnwys prifysgol fawr nac ardal adeiledig o fwy na 50,000 o bobl. Gallai hyn hefyd esbonio abseloldeb amlwg i'r grŵp hwn...

Bwrdeistref Sirol Wrecsam yw’r unig Awdurdod Lleol ar y ffin nad yw wedi’i gynnwys yn y rhestr hon o ardaloedd lle mae mwy o Gymry’n gadael Cymru i astudio nag sy’n aros, er mai Bwrdeistref Sirol Wrecsam dim on eithrad gan ychydig oherwydd mae'r cyfradd o fyfyrwyr sy'n gadael Cymru yno 48.6%! Mae Bwrdeistref Sirol Wrecsam yn dal i fod yn uwch na’r gyfradd gyfartalog, ac yn sicr yn awgrymu bod agosrwydd at Loegr yn ffactor mawr o ran y tebygolrwydd y bydd myfyrwyr yn gadael Cymru i astudio. Ond mae’n debygol mai Bwrdeistref Sirol Wrecsam yw’r eithriad yn nhermau’r Awdurdodau Lleol ffiniol hyn o ran peidio â thorri’r marc o 50% oherwydd ei tyniad cryf i fyfyrwyr lleol. Mae gan yr ardal ei phrifysgol ei hun, Prifysgol Glyndŵr Wrecsam, ac mae'n cynnwys un o ddinasoedd Cymru. O ganlyniad, mae ganddi ganran uchel o ddysgwyr sy'n aros yn y fwrdeistref ar gyfer prifysgol.